Browse our extensive database of useful treatment information, patient resources, and skin-care topics.
Extensive resources devoted to dermatology
Dermatology and skincare are integral to maintaining not only the health but also the beauty of our skin, which is our body's largest organ. Proper skincare routines, combined with professional dermatological advice, can prevent and treat a variety of skin issues, from acne and eczema to more severe conditions like psoriasis and skin cancer. Browse our extensive catalog of resources dedicated to skincare and dermatology.
Preparing Your Skin for Winter
Winter weather brings less humidity, less vitamin D, lower temperatures, and brisk winds, which all affect how much moisture your skin receives and retains, making your skin drier. In the winter, you’re constantly switching from cold weather outside to forced air and heat inside, which decreases humidity indoors and causes dry skin. Vitamin D from sunlight is a natural anti-inflammatory, and you are exposed to much less vitamin D in the winter because you spend less time outside in the sun.